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Built on the belief that by determining and focusing on your needs, with proper guidance and through true listening and understanding - win-win solutions are possible.
About Me

Madison Leigh,
BASc, Q.Med

Key values Madison holds through life and work include transparency, mutual respect and honesty. Through work, demonstration of these values ease tension, provide clarity in the process and allows for a comfortable environment for all parties involved.

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(905) 244-8816

Education and Credentials 

Madison began her education journey at Lakehead University where she earned an Honors Bachelor of Arts and Sciences degree in psychology and sociology. Madison’s focus on earning credentials in Mediation and Alternative Dispute Resolution began with the ADR Learning Institute, first taking courses in understanding conflict, followed by formal Mediation training and earned the designation of Q.Med - Qualified Mediator. Madison is devoted to continuous learning and her education in Dispute Resolution is ongoing as there are always new skills to develop and new concepts to incorporate.  Madison is a Qualified Mediator and member in good standing with both the ADR Institute of Ontario as well as the International Mediation Institute.

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